Plant of Melbourne’s Western Plains
A gardener’s guide to the original flora – 2nd edition.
1. Introduction | |
8 | about this book |
10 | the Western Plains of Melbourne |
12 | natural history |
16 | geology of the Western Plains |
20 | wetlands, bogs and ponds |
24 | orchids of the Western Plains |
26 | indigenous people on the Western Plains |
30 | plants on the Western Plains |
2. Gardening on the Western Plains | |
32 | the importance of indigenous plants |
34 | gardening with Western Plains flora |
38 | growing in containers |
40 | creating a Western Plains nursery |
44 | growing Western Plains lawns |
48 | windbreaks on the western plains |
50 | attracting birds to your garden |
54 | attracting butterflies to your garden |
58 | creating a frog-friendly garden |
62 | creating a reptile-friendly garden |
3. The Plants | |
66 | trees and shrubs |
106 | aquatics and wetland species |
122 | grasses and tussocks |
134 | wildflowers, low shrubs and climbers |
Appendices | |
190 | living models for revegetation |
206 | indigenous plant suppliers |
207 | useful contacts |
208 | legislations and permits |
209 | useful plant lists |
212 | further reading |
214 | glossary |
215 | places to see plants |
216 | index of botanical and common names |